
Monday, November 16, 2009

Reggie: "The addition of HD capability will not be the next step for us."

Taken from this article:

"The fundamental issue in the logic flow is that — and this is what I'm hearing, whether it's from you or Geoff or Michael himself — is that, gosh it's such an opportunity to take HD capability and link it with the Wii. And what we have said, repeatedly, is that that's not the way we at Nintendo do things. The way we at Nintendo do things is, you know, when we will move to a new generation, it's because there are some fundamental things the [current] console cannot do. What that says is that simply the addition of HD capability will not be the next step for us. There will be more to it. There will be additional capability. There will be additional elements, and, given that, it is far into the future."

Fair enough.  However, there are some fundamental things that the Wii can't do, technologically speaking.  The reason why guys like Activision don't make Modern Warfare or Assassin's Creed for the Wii is because it can't keep up with the big boys graphically.  Therefore, they're not able to just port the game, but rather have to remake it.  Why would you want to spend tons of money on doing something so extensive for a non-guaranteed return, especially in a down economy?

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